Welcome! We have been rehabilitating and releasing injured, orphaned and abandoned black bear cubs brought to us by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department since 1993. The Center receives cubs from New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts.
Ben Kilham and his nephew Ethan Kilham are the primary bear caregivers. Ben’s wife Debbie helps with the very young cubs. Phoebe Kilham was working with the bears, but is now doing the GPS mapping for the collared bear research program with the State of New Hampshire.
Cubs brought in early spring of one year will be released by New Hampshire Fish and Game the following spring. They begin their stay in our indoor enclosure and graduate to one of the outside forested enclosures. Being in the forested enclosure provides the cubs with the opportunity to learn and to improve their climbing and foraging skills as they would in their natural environment.
There are natural and man-made dens in the forested enclosure for the cubs to use to hibernate for the winter. When spring arrives and they emerge from hibernation, we again supplement their natural foods so that when the time comes for them to leave, they will be healthy and strong and ready to return to the wild.
We are not open to the public as all of our cubs will be returned to the wild and minimizing human contact is required. Thanks for your understanding.