We have a long way to go … but together, we can get there.

Why does Kilham Bear Center need your support?
Black bear cubs like to eat.
Your donation will help us buy Zoologic formula, lambs milk replacer, Gerber baby cereal and applesauce for the very young cubs. As they grow, the cubs eat kibble ‘n bits, corn and apples. Depending upon the season and when available, natural foods, such as wild lettuces, and other leafy greens, along with acorns and beechnuts, supplement this food.
Black bear cubs need veterinary care.
While Tom Heitzman, D.V.M. and his crew at Lyme Veterinary Hospital very generously provide advice and hands on care, there are times when medicine and other medical supplies are necessary. Your donation can help us provide this extra care when it is needed.
Baby black bear cubs need protection from the cold.
Our indoor enclosure is not heated. Your donation will help us renovate our indoor enclosure to add a heated room for these small young cubs.
In the spring of 2021, the Center released 40 yearling bears back to the wild. In the spring of 2022, the Center has 18 yearlings for release. We currently have 3 new orphan cubs of the year in and we expect we will receive more.

Black bear cubs like to eat. A lot.